King of Fighters Destiny Clark Still SSR Gameplay

King of Fighters Destiny has a new character in SSR Clark. This version of Clark is topless and comes with some power. We see the normal moves from as he has the charge punch special he shares with Ralf as well as his own follow up. There is an install of some king all though I am unsure what it does. His max super is him basically doing his running power bomb. Bu now it comes with a big boom. Check it out below thanks YouTube KOFYTC.

《拳皇命運》中有一個新角色:SSR 克拉克。 這個版本的克拉克赤裸上身,並帶有一些力量。 我們看到了正常的動作,因為他有與拉爾夫分享的特殊衝鋒拳以及他自己的後續動作。 儘管我不確定它的作用,但還是安裝了一些國王。 他最大的超級能力基本上就是他的跑步能量炸彈。 但現在它帶來了巨大的繁榮。 請在下面查看,感謝 YouTube KOFYTC。

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About JCR Comic Arts

I am a gamer into fighting games perferablly such as King Of Fighters and Street Fighters. Also DMC and Ninja Gaiden as well. In recent years I have become a fan of two shooters. Fear and Resistance."
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