My Thoughts on Jujutsu Kaisen Ch 262

Jujutsu Kaisen ch 262 is out and I would like to talk about. This reaction will have spoilers. If you do not want to be spoiled then stop now and go check out the chapter over at Shonen Jump or Viz Media. AGAIN SPOILERS AHEAD.

You might have Gojo body Yuta but are not Gojo. Jujutsu Kaisen students are up against the wall and it is about to break. Sukuna maybe be getting weakened but he is still too much. Especially since we regained domain expansion. So Yuta has no choice but to use Gojo. A last resort. Fans wanted him and we got him the only way Gege could bring him back that would work.

The battle is over as the chapter is short. Yet it highlights one thing. Even with Gojo body they are at a disadvantage. The domain battle Gojo and Sukuna had at the beginning of this arc felt long as they kept trying to us there best move to control the other. Something I was happy see it move from only for this chapter to bring it back.

It so in a cool way as it highlighted what no one else but Sukuna and Gojo saw. How the fight went. The domain expansion left them blind so how the 2 handled the battle domains is a mystery to them. But for Sukuna he is looking at an old problem he already solved. All be it he handle it differently this time.

The thing is hard to call. As Sukuna able to hit Yuta is seen as many as Yuta not being Gojo and thus not having his skills. The argument can hold water as it is true that event with the training everyone underwent it only got them so far. Yet I feel if we are trying to be fair to the character it is 50/50. Sukuna knew how to deal with Gojo domain before getting serious. So now against someone who is trying getting used to it he is at a bigger advantage. The fact Yuta figured out how though shows it isn’t all hopeless though.

The best way to look at it is if Krillin got captain Ginyu change tecnqhiue and used it on Goku. How far do you think he would be able to get as he faced Freiza in a body he has spared against but never used. A good distance but not too far as it will take some getting used too. Time mind you they don’t have.

The big thing is how the chapter ends. Rika manifestation as she hold Yuta body has many wondering if the queen of curses might through a big monkey wrench into the mix. After all she has to be shown for a reason. Gege always has a reason.

The chapter is an interesting thing as we got Gojo body up in running but how much Yuta will be able to get out of is in question. A thought that makes very much interested in the next chapter. A cool chapter

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About JCR Comic Arts

I am a gamer into fighting games perferablly such as King Of Fighters and Street Fighters. Also DMC and Ninja Gaiden as well. In recent years I have become a fan of two shooters. Fear and Resistance."
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