Gainax Studio Files for Bankruptcy

Some sad news as Gainax studios has announced it is filing for bankruptcy. For anyone wondering this is the studio behind Evangelion as well as FLCL. So what does that mean? This is how it breaks down from the studios it self.

“Following the announcement regarding the bankruptcy proceedings on the Gainax official website , we would like to provide some additional information from our company’s perspective, and after taking into consideration our relationship with Gainax and its current management structure, we are posting this comment on the official website.

We are very sad that an animation studio with a history of nearly 40 years has come to an end like this. As for the GAINAX trademark and title, as stated in the release from GAINAX, we have acquired and are managing it ourselves. In addition, “Gainax” is a separate legal entity from similar companies such as “Gaina Co., Ltd. (Studio Gaina)” and “Fukushima Gaina” (both of which were formerly known as “Fukushima Gainax”), “Gainax International”, “GAINAX Kyoto”, “Yonago Gainax”, “Gainax Niigata Co., Ltd.” and “GAINAX WEST”, and there are no trademark license agreements between our company and the above similar companies.” Studio Karah

Message from Gainx

“On May 29th, Gainax Co., Ltd. filed for bankruptcy at the Tokyo District Court, and we are pleased to announce that the petition has been accepted. With the cooperation of Khara and the directors of the new system, we have been working with the cooperating companies to confirm the rights of the works, protect the rights of the writers and creators, and properly manage and operate the intellectual property and materials that were being scattered so that the main works can be operated in the future through each production committee, etc. However, in addition to the situation where many of the former management remain shareholders, we have not been able to resolve the large amount of debt that had accumulated under the previous system” Gainax

So sad to have Gainix go as it made anime we have come to know very well.


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About JCR Comic Arts

I am a gamer into fighting games perferablly such as King Of Fighters and Street Fighters. Also DMC and Ninja Gaiden as well. In recent years I have become a fan of two shooters. Fear and Resistance."
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