My Thoughts on Kagurabachi Ch 36

Kagurabachi ch 36 is out and I would like to talk about it. This reaction will have spoilers. If you don’t want to be spoiled then stop now and go check out the chapter over at Viz Media or Shonen Jump to find out what happens next and then come back. AGAIN SPOILERS AHEAD.

The Sazanami clan are known for there impact magic. But the person who is destined to be the head will have that and control of the warehouse. Korya has told his son about this and that he would past it on to them. But then why does Haryuki have it?

The question is asked as we see Korya tell a few them they can get the power. He told Toya and Haruki they had great potential almost hinting at it. For the oldest we see him be told he would inherit it when it was time. It sounds like Takeru is using it as father favoritism when talking to his kids. Something they can look forward to or power they can achieve down the road. All the while only one can have it. To be fair he only told Soya but it still like felt like motorvation. For 3 of the 4.

I bring up 3 as one of them doesn’t seem to have that moment with there father. One brother is left out as the other 3 kids get a look into there motives or some time with them. Not explained why that is but it is how Takeru is telling this story. 1 getting left out.

That said we see Haruki gets the power. He was said to have potential and we see manifest as he gets the family power. Though how is not explained. We can’t really hope to get one at this time as we only have Soya to bounce of off with information. The way he is the man is trying to understand things himself. A power destined for him going to his brother who was the black sheep of the kids. A thought that is causing him to lose it. Mind you Soya was not well in the mind already. This just gave him that extra push to see his brother get what he thought was rightfully his.

Takeru does a great job outlining the train of thought for both Soya and Haruki. On one hand Soya is enraged over losing inheritance and family. On one side. Regret on the other as both look back to the past trying to understand how they got here. Characters usually get that one push to in order to get them over the hump. The last chapter did a nice job in showing us what that was as we see Haruki drive come through for him her.

This story was a heist to me for the longest. That is how it was represented to us. But there was another story playing along side of it. A family tragedy. One that becomes clearer as we zoom in on Sazanmi clan and learn there history and see how the word family is painfully used. This chapter shows it the most. As Haruki wants to do the right thing and there is only one way to do it. Battle to the death can only have one outcome after all.

Once there was 4 now 2 with 1 now standing tall. The chapter was great. We see the struggle Haruki goes through as this power manifest. Looking back to he sees as his biggest regret fueling him now to push though what has held him back so long. His brothers. A cool chapter as all that is left is Korya . Very cool.

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About JCR Comic Arts

I am a gamer into fighting games perferablly such as King Of Fighters and Street Fighters. Also DMC and Ninja Gaiden as well. In recent years I have become a fan of two shooters. Fear and Resistance."
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