Did Gege Make Jujutsu Kaisen Yuta into a Uchiha

In the resent chapter of Jujutsu Kaisen we see Yuta take over Gojo body. Not the return we wanted but one that begs some questions. One did Gege make Yuta into a Uchiha? Uchiha are some of the top nijas in the Naruto world. With there abilities they are up there all thanks to those eyes. The question comes from the combination of these 2 special grade sorcerers as it comes close.

Gojo was the top human sorcerer. His birth scared those who though to attack. Anyone who didn’t have the sense found out. You can see why as with limitless he can manipulate anything around him through gravity. He can levitate you as well as stop your attacks. He can also sense your curse energy as well as see them coming. But the thing that makes him the other half of this equation is it is all about the six eye curse giving him all these gifts. The most powerful in series 2nd to Sukuna. One can say it is the same as someone getting the sharingan with all that comes with it in terms of all you get with this vast power tied to your eyes. Not exact but similar.

We have to touch on that as Gojo can’t copy curse techniques. That is something Yuta can do. Yuta can copy and use other people techniques. How is still not clear but seems any is on the table. We saw this in the culling games as Yuta puts his skills on display. Not only with out his ability but with it as he used numerous ones with no problem it seems.

So then combining all the powers between Gojo and Yuta should make someone close to Naruto Uchiha right? Not so. We see Yuta ability has limits. This was shown with Gojo as Yuta needed to take over Gojo body to use his ability since it isn’t a curse technique. Mind you it is odd as he other people limbs to use there ability such as Toge speech curse. This most likely to do with Gege just giving us a reason as to why Yuta has to pilot Gojo body to use it even if it doesn’t add up to well. It is still a limit that if it is tied to your body he cannot use it.

So the copying has a limit and most likely so do his use of Gojo. This is through Rika. How we don’t know but it is limited in use. But that is not the only thing. It is not clear if Yuta other abilities are limited when using Gojo body. Yes Gojo hinted at the combination can result in a far more powerful sorcerer than either separate. The potential is there but it very far off. Yuta experience using Kenjaku curse and gojo body aside There are still a lot of questions here since Yuta abilities are not fully explained.

As it stands I can’t help but get the image of a My Hero Academia Deku as a Uchiha. By that I mean the early days of MHA. A lot of potential but there is a long way to go if want to say he is one. But what do you think? Let me know.

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About JCR Comic Arts

I am a gamer into fighting games perferablly such as King Of Fighters and Street Fighters. Also DMC and Ninja Gaiden as well. In recent years I have become a fan of two shooters. Fear and Resistance."
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