Thoughts on King of Fighters XV Special DLC Characters

King of Fighters XV has been confirmed to get DLC characters and not a new season. So only certain characters will be coming and I would like talk about that a bit more. First lets begin with what I have been arguing for should be the next addition from SNK.

Shen Woo. We have almost all the members who were important to the Ash saga in the game. Dulon was there from the beginning with Elisabeth released later as a rival/ friend trying to protect the kid she saw as her little brother. But we are missing one and that is Shen. The man is in all the endings. From as team ending to Duolon. We see the Hong Kong brawler despite not being in the game still remembered.

I think he should be brought back as he rounds the others out. Shen was the character player gravitated towards. Ash trick style required patience and Duolon technical skill. This had many enjoying Shen rush down play style of just go in and bash them. Considering he can knock away fireballs like a DBZ character many found it cool. On top of this the sheer damage he can do made him character many have wanted to master. One reason why the demand for him is so high.

We then look at Zarina. No one from team South America or team Brazil as some call it made it to the game. Simialr to Shen w se Zarina appear in endings. As such some are asking for her to made playable. Considering we already have a boxer and a ninja she might be unique to call back that players can enjoy. Yes Nelson had the robotic arm but we see many asking for the woman in yellow and her bird.

The last boss for boss rush if we get one is a toss up between Original Zero. The version of the boss players like and Krizlad. I am leaning on Krizlad. Yes he is a K clone but he is a unique one. Many of the moves are his own with him only using fire in his supers. Plus you can already see how the boss mod would go. Just him and that jacket but redesigned slightly for XV. I mean mugen used the look a lot why not do it when you want him to get serious. I do hear mention of Krauser here and there but any Fatal Fury character might be unveiled or has better chances to be unveiled at COTW.

This leaves us to one other aspect. SF6 guest characters has many wondering if this will be just for SF6. Some are thinking team SF with Ryu, Chun and Ken. Why not as they can intereact with Kyo, Mai and Terry. But it also hard to say who they would agree on. Yes Ryu, Ken and Chun are safe bet as many want that CVS love to go both ways and have some in a SNK game again. But Capcom might want to push some of there new characters. We see Luke and Jamie meet Terry instead of him running into Ken. So maybe we might get Luk, Jamie and I guess Manon to come over if this is for a crossover. It might be the case but we will have to see what happens.

Let me know what you think as we wait to learn more at Evo.

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About JCR Comic Arts

I am a gamer into fighting games perferablly such as King Of Fighters and Street Fighters. Also DMC and Ninja Gaiden as well. In recent years I have become a fan of two shooters. Fear and Resistance."
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