Mahershala Ali Layer Reacts Blade Delays

Marvel is aiming to bring blade back with Mahershla Ali taking over the character made famous by Wisely Snipes. This was announced 2019 but we have seen the movie hits numerous issues. Something Ali layer Shelby Weiser found shocking.

“That deal was in 2019, and they still haven’t shot it, which is pretty much the craziest thing in my professional experience.”

Shelby statement follows the director Yann Damage departure from the project becoming known. This would be the 2nd director and one many set backs for the movie. The script is still being tweaked as Ali is still waiting for fliming to start. The movie is set to drop sometime in 2025 but no words as to when.

This brings up another thing about the movie. Will it go forward. Bob Iger is canceling movies Disney has no confidence in it. Ali campaigned for Blade and he is a big deal for it. The teaser at the end of the eternals got many hyped to see what Blade from him would look like. Something it seems we will still have to wait for as it is unclear. Hopefully we do get the movie. I liked the previous entries from Snipes and I am optimistic about the MCU version. But we will see.


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About JCR Comic Arts

I am a gamer into fighting games perferablly such as King Of Fighters and Street Fighters. Also DMC and Ninja Gaiden as well. In recent years I have become a fan of two shooters. Fear and Resistance."
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