Street Fighter 6 Director on How Terry and Mai will Approached for Season 2

Street Fighter 6 is getting Mai and Terry for season 2. Fans are hyped which is good but how will this work? This won’t be just take them from XV to SF6. The characters will have be made for SF6 and that means deciding what moves they will get and how they will work. Nakayama explained that for this Capcom went SNK and said is this how this move should work.

“There’s a lot of ways to interpret this, but basically we at Capcom go to SNK and say ‘This move should be like this, right?’, and work on it like that. Every time, someone would say ‘I want to make a move like this’ and draw up a design document for it, and then the conversation would expand from there.” Nakayama

But it isn’t just game play we need consider. For many this bring them back to CVS. Where Ken would throw Terry his hat back. Many are wondering how will they interact this time around. That part Capcom is keeping close to there chest. Both Mai and Terry will have a presence in SF6 world tour. But how there story will unfold is being kept a secret. Though they can hint at it.

“You’ll have to see that once you play him. During development, we’ve been very aware of previous interactions and connections between the two. Of course. We’re pretty particular about the story. We can’t give specific details right now, but we have scenes where fans will definitely go ‘Ah!! This is it!” Nakayama

“Since it’s a collaboration, we’re really putting all of our power into it,” Matsumoto.

I am interested to see how the world warriors new and old interact with these SNK legends. The last time was grand and I can only imagine how this time will go.


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About JCR Comic Arts

I am a gamer into fighting games perferablly such as King Of Fighters and Street Fighters. Also DMC and Ninja Gaiden as well. In recent years I have become a fan of two shooters. Fear and Resistance."
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