Street Fighter 6 Developers says Work on Bison Began After the Base Roaster was Released

Street Fighter 6 developers reveal more about Bison. The first season 2 character coming our way seemed to have been in the works since the game base roaster was revealed. The reason is behind why seem to lie in his story as it is tied to Akuma. Rashid and Aki. That and the high request for the made man to return.

Famitsu: Let’s do some unique questions for each character. So starting with M. Bison, when did you decide to include him?

Takayuki Nakayama: Since making one character takes around one and a half to two years, we began work on him right after we finished the 18 characters on the launch roster.

To begin with, M. Bison has ties to Rashid, A.K.I. and Akuma who were all in the Year 1 pass, so we’d basically been laying the groundwork for connecting their stories to M. Bison’s arrival.

Famitsu: So what you’re saying is that you’d decided on including M. Bison at this timing since quite a while ago. When Akuma was added, the secret document mentioning “he rides a horse” was also brought to life in the trailer.

Takayuki Nakayama: He really was on a horse!

Famitsu: I was very surprised, haha. Is there any kind of meaning behind him now riding a horse?

Takayuki Nakayama: Please check out the story for more details on that. Our scenario writer wrote a lot of content, so most of these things will be explained in various episodes there.

Famitsu: In the May 30th issue of Famitsu this year, we published a user survey for what characters our readers wanted to see join Street Fighter 6. M. Bison received a lot of support and ended up in 2nd place, so I’m guessing you also received many requests for adding him to the game?

Takayuki Nakayama: There was a pretty high amount of requests to add M. Bison. Also, Producer Matsumoto has been a M. Bison main since Street Fighter 4, so there was a lot of pressure put on me.

Shuhei Matsumoto: Ha ha.


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About JCR Comic Arts

I am a gamer into fighting games perferablly such as King Of Fighters and Street Fighters. Also DMC and Ninja Gaiden as well. In recent years I have become a fan of two shooters. Fear and Resistance."
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