My Thoughts on My Adventures with Superman Season 2 Ep 6

My Adventures with Superman season 2 ep 6 is out and I would like to talk about it. This reaction will have spoilers. If you don’t want to be spoiled then stop now and go check out the episode on HBO Max. AGAIN SPOILERS AHEAD.

So Clark gets some bounding time with Kara only to find not only more on Krypton but one of DC greatest foes. We pick up with Clark dealing with the fact that he has been abducted. It is a comical thin as Superman has no idea where to go and Kara is basically the one with the car as she tries to convince him to hope in. It is comical as it is written as a true family bounding time between them as they share there reasons for why one sees Earth as home and the other want to conquer it. It is a small sidenote as it shows some good things got through to Kara. Despite the warrior mentally she did smile.

Something come up here as we see them having helmets made into there suits but then don’t need them. This in an idea DC plays with as to weather or not Superman need to breath in space. It pends on him just flying out of orbit in stories with no protection and is perfectly fine. Some have explained that as him holding his breath for a long time others that he doesn’t need to. Here it sems the yellow sun also make him into Frieza in that he can survive in space.

The big thing is Brianiac. The character introduction is very different from what we have seen of him. Usually Brianiac is humanoid robot. But here the look has him appearing completely alien. The v shaped head and complete tippy toe foot feel like a call back to alien looks from the 80s. Not to sure which ones but to me it is the most alien we have seen him look. And also manipulative.

Understand when we meet Brianiac he is a collector of worlds. He doesn’t just destroys them but takes a city or world to add to his collection. . That way he preserves the information. Kandor in past stories were one of these cities that were made to be part of his collection. But as we see in this series it is but a station. Along with his alien look this might be the most manipulative as usually he shows up and gets right to business. But we see thanks to the vast technology he has after testing Superman he just over powers him. Which does happen as there are incidents where in a straight forward battle Superman loses to him.

I would to talk about this battle though as we see A green lantern, Finegarduain aka a hawk girl and a parademon. I can take Brianiac having the other 2 but the parademon might be much as that means he took on Darksied. For anyone who doesn’t know Darksied is DC version of Thanos but Darksied has a howl planet under his command. The reason it bothers me is f someone attacked his parademon then they got his interest which means he would come looking.

That aside as well as the title of the episode as it bothers me a bit. The wording just doesn’t feel right. The episode was nice as we get to meet Brianiac. An old school enemy to all introduced in grand style as we see him lay waste to Clark but also see what he made Kara do. What he can then also make Clark do. Though Clark seems to be different caliber the idea is still there. A family reunion as he we see the Clark deal with this rouge ai. Cool.

You can see the cousins play tag in the clip below thanks to YouTuber Skystar. Check it out and then go see there channel to see what else they have.

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About JCR Comic Arts

I am a gamer into fighting games perferablly such as King Of Fighters and Street Fighters. Also DMC and Ninja Gaiden as well. In recent years I have become a fan of two shooters. Fear and Resistance."
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