King of Fighters Allstars to Shutdown in October

King of Fighters Allstars news. The game is set to shut down in October. The game has been running since 2018 for Japan and 2019 for US. The reason for the game shutting it down goes as follows.

[Greetings, Contenders.

This is the King of Fighters ALLSTAR development team.

King of Fighters ALLSTAR has been in service for over 5 years since its launch on October 22nd, 2019.

We did our best, but I think it was not enough to repay the great support received from all of you.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the Contenders who have given generous support to The King of Fighters ALLSTAR over this long period of time.

This time, we need to bring out some heavy news to you.

While operating the service for a long time, the limit of KOF’s original Fighter pool, which has been overcome through its own original Fighters and collaboration with other IPs, is increasingly approaching, and it is also becoming a realistic challenge to have a balance of new Fighters that Contenders can be satisfied with, is coming to a close.

We constantly thought about development directions that could overcome these difficulties, but we decided that it would be difficult to continue to provide services that would satisfy Contenders.

It is with a heavy heart that I tell you these words, and I am truly sorry.

I believe that the hearts of many of you who read about this are also heavy.

Not only the support you have given us, but even your constructive criticisms were a great learning experience for the development team and became a driving force for continued improvements.

We will cherish the story of King of Fighters with all our Contenders. Thank you very much.

Although it may not be enough, we have prepared an updated infographic content that allows you to check the final story of The King of Fighters ALLSTAR and the history that you have written while playing so far.

We would like to once again express our deepest gratitude to all those who have enjoyed the game with their continued love and interest.

Thank you for reading this long notice to the end, and we will do our best to avoid any inconvenience until the termination of service.

Thank You.]

So fans enjoy the last months as the end is coming.



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About JCR Comic Arts

I am a gamer into fighting games perferablly such as King Of Fighters and Street Fighters. Also DMC and Ninja Gaiden as well. In recent years I have become a fan of two shooters. Fear and Resistance."
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