Tag Archives: Doom/doom

Microsoft Acquires Bethesda

We have big news as Microsoft has acquired Bethesda. What that means is that fallout, doom dishonored and the like are not owned by XBOX. How this will affect gamers now has the games from Bethesda on its xbox pass … Continue reading

Posted in action, adventure, mystery, PC, platformer, Uncategorized, xbox one, xbox series x | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Super Smash Bros Ultimate 2 More DLC Leak ???

Super Smash Bros Ultimate is getting Terry Bogard but who else is coming? We ask this every time when it comes to DLC characters. Well today we might know as a leak is going around talking about Doom Guy and … Continue reading

Posted in action, adventure, comedy, fighting game, Nintendo NX, Nintendo Switch, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Doom Eternal New Concept Art Gates Of Hell

Doom Eternal is the sequel to the shooter reboot that the first person shooter franchise by storm as it showed gamers why fans love Doom. Today we get new concept art of Doom guy or Doom Slayer as he is … Continue reading

Posted in action, adventure, PC, platformer, PS4, shooter, Uncategorized, xbox one | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Happy Holidays From Videogame Creators

It his Christmas and everyone is enjoying the holidays. You can see the game industry top creators say happy holidays. To see who says merry Christmas to the fans check out twitter list below.  We have Kojima, Nintnedo, Id with … Continue reading

Posted in action, adventure, comedy, mystery, Nintendo NX, Nintendo Switch, PC, platformer, PS4, shooter, Uncategorized, xbox one | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Did you know gaming 1

For those who must know everything about their favorite game did you know gaming has posted a few more videos that will post below. The topics are final fight, dragon ball z games and doom. Look at the videos while … Continue reading

Posted in action, adventure, anime, Arcade, comedy, comic, fighting game, manga, PC, PS2, ps3, Uncategorized, Wii u, xbox one | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment