Tag Archives: Final Fantasy Type 0 HD

Final Fantasy XV Fans On Demo

People have been talking about Final Fantasy XV EPISODE DUSCAE Demo. They are saying good things but what you didn’t know is that Square Enix wants something from you for the Demo. Basically they want your feed back on how … Continue reading

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Final Fantasy Type Next

Spoiler ahead I repeat spoiler ahead and with out of the way we can now talk about Final Fantasy Type Next. If you do not recognize the name you might I have seen the teaser it was that secrete movie … Continue reading

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Final Fantasy Type 0 HD Leveling Up The Fast Way

Final Fantasy Type 0 HD has you playing as the cadets in class zero switching between three characters and everyone is excited about it. The thing is though this is still a final fantasy game which means you will have … Continue reading

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Final Fantasy Type 0 HD Sequel ?

Spoiler ahead I repeat spoiler ahead, with out stated Final Fantasy Type 0 HD is hitting American shores soon and Square Enix is promising a new video to go with it. The video that has been put below may spoil … Continue reading

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Final Fantasy Type 0 HD A few Good Characters

We have being seeing a lot of Final Fantasy type 0 HD lately and we are seeing more. The reason why you ask if you are interested in this game then you will know you have a chose of a … Continue reading

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Final Fantasy XV Demo Video Gameplay

Yesterday we got a look at Final Fantasy XV as Hajime give us a look at both Final Fantasy Type 0 HD and Final Fantasy XV. Today for those wanted to hear the English voice actors you can now see … Continue reading

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Final Fantasy XV Info Update

Ealier today Hajime streamed a video for Final Fantasy XV and Final Fantasy Type 0 HD. The video came with a lot of information which I touched o but might missed a few things. We find out about phantom weapons … Continue reading

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Final fantasy XV & Final Fantasy Type 0 HD Highlights

Today we have Hajime going over both of his projects Final Fantasy XV and Final Fantasy Type 0 HD. To understand we are seeing a bit of Type 0 and a bit of the Final Fantasy XV demo Final Fantasy … Continue reading

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Final Fantasy XV A Demo To Keep

The demo for Final Fantasy XV, Final Fantasy XV Episode Duscae is coming out along with the first copies of Final Fantasy Type 0 HD. How it works is that you get a code and put your hardrive and then … Continue reading

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Final Fantasy Type 0 HD Characters King, Eight & Sice

Final Fantasy Type 0 HD brings the PSP game to the current consoles and today we will be looking at three of the characters player can play in the game. Today we will be looking at Sice, King and Eight. … Continue reading

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