Tag Archives: Medievil Remastered/medievil remastered

Medievil Remake Goes Gold

Medievil Remake has now gone gold. If you are unfamiliar with the term it means that the game is almost ready. Basically what is left now is some fine tuning and polish. Which is good since the game is coming … Continue reading

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MedEvil Behind Scenes Video & Scenes

Medievil is getting a remake and fans are tuning in. The latest news has a behind scenes video and screenshots being posted showing how developers brought our bone man back to life. Check it out. “One of the key aspects … Continue reading

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Sony PlayStation 4 Coming Attractions

Sony has posted a new video for the PS4. The new video is for coming attractions for the console. This includes Last Of Us 2, Death Stranding as well Devi May Cry 5 and Kingdom Hearts 3 plus more. You … Continue reading

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Medievil Is A Remake Not Remaster

Medievil is coming back. This time it is coming back as a remake not a remaster. Before we thought the game with the dead knight was being remastered. Something that Sony want us to know is not the case. This is … Continue reading

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Medievil Remaster Teases Sir Daniel Voice Actor Return

Medievil is getting remastered which means the old series is coming back and that maybe something might change. Big or small when it comes to remasters or anything being brought back somethings get changed. Somethings anyway as we learn that … Continue reading

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MediEvil Remastered PS4

PSX 2017 announced an old gaming coming back in MediEvil as they said the remastered is coming to PS4. For those who were not around when this game came out you play a skeleton that has to set things right … Continue reading

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