Tag Archives: #Resistance/#reistance

Is Insomniac Going Over Resistance History Or Teasing A New Project

Now Insomniac Games have posing images and bit from there PS3 shooting series Resistance. With them posting these shots many are seeing it as a tease for a new project. The thing Insomniac says they aren’t teasing the game but … Continue reading

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Insomniac Teasing Resistance 4 Again ??

Insomniac is teasing us again. The tease seems to be for Resistance 4 or a new game. Many are saying Resistance 4 as there is a rumor Insomniac is working on a new one for the PlayStation 5. The only … Continue reading

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The PlayStation 5 For New Games, Remasters And Remakes

The PlayStation 5 is Sony next gen console and as such it will be bringing new games and installments to players who line up to get. This happens with most system. What makes PS5 so interesting though is that there … Continue reading

Posted in action, adventure, comedy, Horror, mystery, PC, platformer, ps5, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment