BBCP PS Vita Trailer Pitch

For those who haven’t gotten enough of BlazBlue the trailer for BlazBlue ChronoPhantasm for the PS vita is out. The trailer goes over the story mode which includes the bonus story covering Ragna, Noel, Celica and Kagura apparently soaking in some sun shin. The story mode also includes the previous entries stories as well as Rachel, Noel, Celica and Ragna go over the events as sort of a play by play. Other modes and gameplay are looked over as well. For more check out the trailer below.


As always thank you for reading.

About JCR Comic Arts

I am a gamer into fighting games perferablly such as King Of Fighters and Street Fighters. Also DMC and Ninja Gaiden as well. In recent years I have become a fan of two shooters. Fear and Resistance."
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