What Would Devil May Cry 0 Look Like

Today we learned from Pax 2020 that Hideki Kamiya of Platinum Games would love to do a new Devil May Cry but he would want to do it focusing on the dark knight sparda. Well what would that look like. We will talk about that here.

Image result for devil may cry sparda

Now this would go 2 ways. 1 we would follow Sparda as he came to Earth. During this time we would see him slowly turn against Mundose or be here to go against him already. Either of those scenarios I see working. Many might lead to turning since that way we get to see why Sparda chose to defy the lord of hell but you never know. Especially if we Kamiya at the helm but this leads to how will this story be told that too can be done in a few ways.

Image result for devil may cry sparda

We can be following Sparda as it happens first person or we can start of with Vergil learning why his farther had a change of heart. I am using Vergil instead of Dante as Vergil has had more interest in family history than the man with the red coat. That isn’t to say Dante can fit in here but it would be tricky to learn why he is sitting down for this or even if he paying attention.

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But why would be learning sparda. Because just like DMC world all we know is his legend which has him sealing away a lot of demons. As to what the man himself was like we don’t know. This game would hopefully answer that question. I am saying hopefully as we are talking about a DMC game and basically the one that told the best story so far if we can count a good story is DMC 5. So hopefully we get that answered as well as some other questions.

Image result for devil may cry sparda

Plus this would be a good way to bring back old demons such as Phantom, Beowolf if the need be. We might also see how Sparda made the swords for his sons. But that is hoping. Those are my thoughts on this. Let me know yours.

Image result for devil may cry sparda

If you like what you see please hit the like and follow buttons. As always this is Jcphotog now Jcrcomicarts saying thank you for reading.

About JCR Comic Arts

I am a gamer into fighting games perferablly such as King Of Fighters and Street Fighters. Also DMC and Ninja Gaiden as well. In recent years I have become a fan of two shooters. Fear and Resistance."
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