What If Blooy Roar 5 Busuzima The Chameleon

We have been talking about what it would be like if Bloody Roar came back. To see how Bloody Roar 5 would look like as a reboot. And for this post we will be looking at Busuzima the chameleon.

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Busuzima was the head scientist for Tylon as we learned with his introduction in Bloody Roar 2. The scientist is responsible for what Shen Long as well Uriko and Bakru. Wanting absolute power and to experiment on everything he is the type of character you love to hate and gets it in the end. This makes him a nuisance character since he means to cause great harm but mostly hurts you by making you laugh to hard.

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So what do we do with him if we bring him back as a reboot? The tone should be held the same since we know he has done some horrible things such as experiment on Urkio and Bakru. As such his comedic ends make for a nice balance. But he should have that balance in all game through out. This primarily due do to the fact that story mode was only used in Bloody Roar 2 with a lighter one in 4.

Image result for bloody roar bakuryuImage result for bloody roar uriko

That is if they want him to continue as a big bad representing Tylon. If they get someone else they might as well just make him a gag character with ties to the company. By ties I mean they used him everyone now and then. By that i mean they use him for an mad science and thus he is the series go to for anything wrong as he most likely had his hands in it.

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But if we do keep him comical I want to go a bit further. For instance have him run into those he worked on in the game for a special boss for a gaga ending or better yet give to Uranus. Uranus should have a bigger role and one of the ways to give one would be to haver her torment someone and who better than this guy.

Image result for bloody roar busuzimaImage result for bloody roar uranus

And that is it. Not much but for some of these characters I wouldn’t change too much only because of what they can add to the game. But let me know your thoughts.

Image result for bloody roar busuzimaImage result for bloody roar 5

If you like what you see please hit the like and follow buttons., As always this is Jcphotog now Jcrcomicarts saying thank you for reading.

About JCR Comic Arts

I am a gamer into fighting games perferablly such as King Of Fighters and Street Fighters. Also DMC and Ninja Gaiden as well. In recent years I have become a fan of two shooters. Fear and Resistance."
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