Final Fantasy VIII Fan Art For The Guardian Weapon War Squall With The Guardian Kings Lion Heart

Hi all I decided to do a quick fan art for for Final Fantasy VIII as though it had its own movie similar to how FFVII had Advent Children. The idea is what if the was one more fight that was coming and puts Squall and the See D against Omega Weapon and the other monsters like him. I am calling it the FFVII Guardian Weapon War. You can see the lore and the fan fiction behind it below.

It has been serval years since the battle against Ultimecia that took Squall and the others into the future to protect the present. They won but the soon hear about things falling from the sky. Buildings and monsters that are from Ultimecia palace. Among them is a monster they never faced in the Omega weapon who brings not just a new threat in himself but a new war as other monsters like him begin to emerge.

Normal weapons are not enough making it look like humanity doesn’t stand a chance as these monster wreck havoc across the globe. It isn’t Until Angel (Ultimatcia mother who has been riding around with Squall and the others) learns that Odin was defeated that she begins to explains more about the weapons and the only way to defeat them is to used all the gaurdain forces. The one issue is that if one was to use them all they would lose all memory of themselves. When Zell challenges saying they only lost old memories she explains that will have to use summons they have not yet seen. Ones that are too much by themselves let alone with others. The other way is to use a power similar to hers but that power will turn you into the next weapons and thus continuing the cycle.

Squall then asked about making there weapons using the power of the guardians. One of the one’s he uses is metal from Odin sword which he had to fight Gilgamesh for.He then forges it using Bahumt fire with Ifirit to forged it and finally blessed by Eden and a new summons Cain. Now with it he is able to take on Omega.

If you like what you see please hit the like and follow buttons. As always this is Jcphotog now Jcrcomicarts saying thank you for reading.

About JCR Comic Arts

I am a gamer into fighting games perferablly such as King Of Fighters and Street Fighters. Also DMC and Ninja Gaiden as well. In recent years I have become a fan of two shooters. Fear and Resistance."
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