Black Panther Wakanda Forever SDCC 222 Trailer and Details

Black Panther Wakanda Forever is one of many sequels that was shown at San Diego Comic Con 2022. But unlike the rest of the competition it lost its main star and rather than recast him the movie is moving on with that as cannon. For many that is the big change but as with other Marvel movies there is a lot to unpack if you just look.

We will start with Chadwick Boseman death since T’Challa in the MCU has been tied to it. We see Wakanda morning the young king as Angela Bassett who plays Queen Ramonda expressing how much she had lost between her husband death and now her son. We don’t get a mention as to what the character died from yet but we see morning as a new threat emerges. Keiven Fiege touched on this saying. “It’s clearly very emotional without Chad,”

It should be noted that many are seeing this as a tribute to him. Letita Wright had this to say about her co star and the movie. “It’s an incredible honor for Chadwick Boseman. It’s jam-packed with exciting stuff. November, it couldn’t come sooner so I’m excited for you guys to see it. We honored him by committing ourselves to the story that he started, the legacy he started with this franchise, and We committed every day to working hard, no matter what circumstances we faced. And we faced a lot of circumstances. A lot of difficult situations, but we came together as a team. We poured everything into this movie.”

This new threat is Namor and Atlantis who fans are noticing is a call back to his classic look. Old school fans will notice Namor sporing green speedo with winged feet. The feet are something fans are noticing heavily as it points to him being different from his people. Well, that and he isn’t blue. As for Namor we see him gathering and commanding forces but it is not to clear what puts Wakanda against Atlantis.

With this movie will get to learn more about Wakanda as we see another group revealed with the midnight angels. If you have not heard of them before they are strike force comprised of the best of the Dora Milaje.

The other part of this is Riri as we see Iron Heart will be in the movie. Riri was hinted at when promotional stuff was announced for the movie showing. Iron hear there to fight for Wakanda. The comics have Riri making a suit that equals to Tony which gets her on the radar. The movie has her making a suit but it might be pulled into combat as she fights in this conflict. Domnique Thorne had this to say about it.

“For me, at this point, it’s really about the story. That’s what many of us who enter into this profession think. What draws you in is the ability to tell stories that mean something to people. In high school, the motto was to empathize, to empower, or to educate and so that is what I still abide by today. So hopefully, I’m involved in a story that is doing that. There are real people with real stories and real emotions at the center of it. Even if it’s not my experience or your experience, it allows somebody the opportunity to be changed; the opportunity to have their mind expanded or get educated in a new way. I think that’s one of the most beautiful and powerful things that this form is capable of.”

We also have who will be the next panther teased but I think it will be sister as she does get the title in the comics. I will be vey surprised if it isn’t’ .A lot of elements but hopefully it will be as great as the first one. Especially given it will be seen as honoring the one who brought Black panther to life.





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About JCR Comic Arts

I am a gamer into fighting games perferablly such as King Of Fighters and Street Fighters. Also DMC and Ninja Gaiden as well. In recent years I have become a fan of two shooters. Fear and Resistance."
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