The King Of Fighters XV Kain Effect On Story

We have talked about the idea of Kain of Mark Of The Wolves being brought into the King Of Fighters XV. But after giving it some more thought I decided to look at the latest villain from South Town and who he would effect the Verse arc.

Image result for snk art kain

When it comes to Kain it will be up to SNK to make a lot of decisions. One is will this be before Mark Of The Wolves where Kain has no influence on South Town or Rock. If so that means most notably the only one to know anything about him would be Geese as he would be the only one who has meet him. We also can have it as Kain being introduced to everyone here and keep the time lines separate as they have done in the past. Hence Geese being alive or dead doesn’t matter.

Image result for mugen Kain vs Geese

But if SNK did go with KOF XV being a tease to Garou 2 in a sense we can have an interesting story. For instance we have Geese taking back South Town a reason for Kain to join the tournament as he will need the funds as well as looking for verse to see if he can use the power he had brought with him or it. (Most likely it as we still have no idea what Verse is.) Kain would needs this as he only cam into power due to Geese death. Remember Geese beat him and as such Kain wanting revenge for what Geese did to his sister wanted to wipe his memory away as such he wants to become so fear and hated that no one else thinks of Geese.

Image result for snk verseImage result for snk kain and rock

But lets not stop there as also we will have to take into account Rock. Depending how SNK plays this we might see Rock in a new outfit or see how he will react to his astringed uncle. Also it could be a chance to see his mother since we have yet to see her in game outside of the portrait from Kain boss stage.

Image result for snk kain and rockImage result for snk kain and rock

As with the other characters of Mark Of the Wolves Kain has been in high demand to appear in KOF. This most likely do to the fact we have only seen KOF games out of SNK as they bring back there IPS that might chance. But even with being the case he would be for an interesting characters since he himself is someone we can dive into. And what better way then having him appear in KOF.

Image result for snk kain and rock

Now for a team I had Rock on it but given those who want to help him I would say Kain should have Grant and Gato father by his side to entering into KOF XV. I said why before but with Kain entering I hope we learn more Rock mother side of the family as we know basically nothing.

Image result for snk Gato fatherImage result for snk Grant

Also I hope we see Kain get more power. Right now he can channel energy much like many other in the SNK universe as well as create flames from pure hatred while being able to sense when others are attacking him. While that sounds like a lot we only see the flames and energy part in combat. As we hope to see more of the Garou cast I hope we learn more about Heinlein blood line and Kain himself.

But those are my thoughts. Let me know yours as we await to hear more news on KOF XV this year.

If you like what you see please hit the like and buttons. As always this is Jcphotog now Jcrcomicarts saying thank you for reading.

About JCR Comic Arts

I am a gamer into fighting games perferablly such as King Of Fighters and Street Fighters. Also DMC and Ninja Gaiden as well. In recent years I have become a fan of two shooters. Fear and Resistance."
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