The King Of Fighters XV Hopes For Sacred Treasure Story

The King Of Fighters XV have confirmed the sacred treasure team is official and they do look good as there reveal trailers show. Trailer which we can look at here again as well why not.

Now the team main purpose is for being here is treading on old ground yet at the same time we do see it is different. The team reason to come back is Chizuru wants to know why the Orochi seal is weakening again. To many this signals that they will confront CYS aka new face team aka Orochi team made up of Chris, Yashiro and Shermie as they will most likely be the ones weakening it.

SNK HEROINES Tag Team Frenzy Shermie Ending - YouTube

Now this has many fans happy as we have been asking for them to come back and for I am in the same boat while at the same time I am hyped and slightly worried as to how they will play. But if you read the story behind why sacred treasure is formed. Yes they are looking into why the seal is weakening but that isn’t the only reason. They will also be looking into Verse in order to see why Orochi was inside him and what brought him forth.

THE KING OF FIGHTERS XIV | Verse Trailer | PS4 - YouTube

“Chizuru Kagura is a descendant of the Yata clan, one of three powerful clans entrusted with the Sacred Treasures capable of sealing away “Gaia’s Will”, otherwise known as Orochi. Her fighting style resembles traditional Japanese dancing, while her access to the Kagura Style of Ancient Martial Arts allows her to seal away her opponent’s abilities.

She convinces heirs of the other two clans, Kyo Kusanagi and Iori Yagami, to once again join forces and enter the latest KOF in the hopes of revealing the powers behind the appearance of the being known as Verse and the weakening of the seal on Orochi.”

The fact they are looking into Verse itself means 2 teams will also be there focuses as Verse puts them on course with Shun and the Hero team. Makes sense given the cutscene Kyo and Shun has.

The King of Fighters 15 Trailer Highlights Shun'ei

This also though has them looking into how Verse got here. This could mean Chizuru will be looking into Ash who we also know is back in the picture thanks to ending of XIV. An ending that many think is clue to his team so we might see him with Elizabeth and Kukri. This falls to Ash as many point to the time paradox caused from him killing Saiki is what brought forth Verse.

download kof xiii intro mp4 - mp3
Clarification on the Ash Saga. - The King of Fighters XIV
The King Of Fighters XV Ash??? | JCR Comic Arts

Now to be fair that needs to be explain as to how Elizabeth knew to send Kukri to find Ash but also how he is tied to Verse would be nice to see. As I have said we know little about Verse so the more we learn the better for those who are fans and if we are take this into account it sounds like the sacred treasure team will be the team to connect the dots, maybe. I say maybe as we are hoping for a story mode to explain the tournament. Oda has come out saying he knows we want one but at the same time he isn’t looking to make it like a RPG(role playin game).

Yasuyuki Oda:I think it's going to be the supreme masterpiece of the KOF  series! : kof

Some have taken this to mean we won’t get as big of a story as we see in mortal kombat xi or guilty gear xrd. Which then means we have no idea what the story structure will be like. This comes to mind as SNK uses typical arcade endings with a few cutscenes to tell KOF narrative with a good portion being put to why the team form which is only shown on there website most fans don’t know about it. As such how much story will be shown in the game is something I am itching to hear about. As for what that will be we will have to wait for more information.

So ya sacred treasure looks interesting as the story is looking great with them. But that also will depend on how SNK tells the story in KOF XV. Something we will have to wait and see and that does it. If you have any thoughts on KOF XV or other SNK games let me know.,

Team Sacred Treasures In KOF XV - Why This Is Big For SNK Fans?

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About JCR Comic Arts

I am a gamer into fighting games perferablly such as King Of Fighters and Street Fighters. Also DMC and Ninja Gaiden as well. In recent years I have become a fan of two shooters. Fear and Resistance."
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