The Suicide Squad Harley Influenced by Injustice 2

The Suicide Squad has taken many references from may stories and pieces through out the DC landscape. For Harley outfit in the movie and by that I mean the one she fights in now the weeding gown it seems to inspired by on of the big games Injustice 2.

Injustice has the super human community of hero and villain turned on its head as Superman aims to be more athuroatarian in rule and taking down anyone who stands against. This puts the man of steel and the dark knight at odds causing some of the biggest name to pick a side. The game is one of the biggest hits out there and it seems thanks to it we have Harley new look for the movie. Something James gun confirmed in a tweet.

“The truth is I had a huge map of all the different looks of Harley Quinn throughout the years from various media, and one of them I liked the best was the Arkham games look of Harley Quinn, and I probably like that look best anyway. So, her first look in the movie is based on that.”

As pointed out Harley has many looks in the movie. But for anyone who looked at the screen and went that looks familiar. You now know why?

The Suicide Squad Director Says Injustice 2 Inspired Harley Quinn's Uniform

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About JCR Comic Arts

I am a gamer into fighting games perferablly such as King Of Fighters and Street Fighters. Also DMC and Ninja Gaiden as well. In recent years I have become a fan of two shooters. Fear and Resistance."
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