Marvel Teases a New Version of Hulk

The new Hulk series started with starship Hulk. This version had Banner add metal parts to him the Hulk in order to control him. Something that took fans by surprise. But Marvel is far from done with showing new forms of the Hulk as they are teasing a new one for issue 6. The only thing is this one might just be the biggest threat to the universe yet.

From what we see something dark take control of Hulk as the Knull Hulk is born. What will come from this new form is unknown. But what we do know is Donny Kates is good at making the forms cool and there is no doubt this will be another one. We will when it drops on April 20th.

[This new threat is basically the Hulk’s Knull, but just like Donny and Ryan’s run on HULK overall, it’s crazier and more dangerous than you can imagine. The heroes of the Marvel Universe may think Hulk is the problem, but he’s not — THIS is the problem. And after HULK #6, there’s no stopping it…”] Marvel Editor Wil Moss



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About JCR Comic Arts

I am a gamer into fighting games perferablly such as King Of Fighters and Street Fighters. Also DMC and Ninja Gaiden as well. In recent years I have become a fan of two shooters. Fear and Resistance."
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