How Dragon Ball Super Super Hero Got its Title

Dragon Ball Super Super Hero is the next installment of the DBS movie series. Many fans are interested to see how the CG only anime will look when it is all said and done as well as what it has instore for Gohan. That said many are wondering why it is titled this way? The producer Akio Iyoku states it is titled in this manner so the development team can get the idea of everyone is a hero across.

“It’s been almost 40 years since the start of the series but never before has there been a work with so much heart. We are using a different approach to express the visuals this time. This time, the story is centered around the master-disciple duo of Gohan and Piccolo. Up until now, everyone has been getting stronger and stronger. So, Earth is the stage this time. ‘How will the people on Earth stand up to this threat?’ is how we came up with this story. The title was decided after we had finished the story. There was a lot of discussion about having ‘Super’ in the title, but we wanted to convey the idea that everyone is a hero, which is why we decided on this title. It may be a bit cliche, but that’s what we came up with.” Akio

Everyone is a hero explains it a bit. To be honest we get that hero is the focus as the Gemma brothers also think they are heroes. The thing is these focuses on Gohan and Piccolo as student and teacher as well. Make me wish to see how this all comes together in the movie which I do hope does well, but we will see.

Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero Producer Explains The Origin Of The Film's  Title


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About JCR Comic Arts

I am a gamer into fighting games perferablly such as King Of Fighters and Street Fighters. Also DMC and Ninja Gaiden as well. In recent years I have become a fan of two shooters. Fear and Resistance."
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