My Thoughts on Four Knights of the Apocalypse Ch 150

Four Knights of the Apocalypse Ch 150 is out and I would like to talk about it. This reaction will have spoilers. If you do not want to be spoiled then stop now and go check out the chapter over at comiXology or Kodansha to find out. AGAIN SPOILES AHEAD.

So Nasiens you can has some fairy power after all. Over the course of this recent arc we have been presented with a question. Is he King son/ daughter or not? We have been wondering this since Nasines joined Percival party. This arc has been lending more evidence to it. The thing that has many talking though is how the latest piece of evidence speaks volumes as King has been weakened.

The last chapters had Worreldane weaken King to the point the Sin of sloth seemed to not be able to take on Arthur white knight. Nasines sudden ability to use the spirit lance says a lot. Remember we haven’t seen anyone but the kings use it. So for him to show control over the Fairies greatest weapon is insane. But might be the final nail in the coffin to say yes Nasines is infact the lost son of King and Daine. This mind still has his sister birth in question but he might be answered for with this. Again keep in mind this power boost is usually for the main fighters. This is to my knowledge is one of the first times we see someone get a power boost on the same level as the main cast. Main cast being Percival, Gawain, Tristan and Lancelot.

While it seems we have an answer on Nasines family this fight isn’t over. Worreldane is not down. She is injured but not down. She has an injury that calls back Monty Python for him a bit. Her arm is mangled. We are seeing bone. Yet she says it is but a flesh wound. It just reminds me of the dark knight in that movie as he would get injured but then try to play it off like it was nothing even when he lost limbs. The difference is given how magic is in this world Worreldane might just mean this as she can repair this later just not in combat. Something to save for later.

The big thing though is Worreldane is now handicap. When it coms to Nasines they are you support person. They can heal and cure but also debuff enemies or make them weaker. As such it makes tricker to take them on. For Worreldane they didn’t understand what was happening to them as Nasines poison took effect. It was a new effect for them.

That is one thing I have to take not. The way Worreldane took this at least with words chosen was never in rage. Just wonder. A new experience they never saw coming as they planned to take on the fairy family. Nasines interruption is unforseen but not enough to make her made. Makes you wonder if she is happy about this. Also makes you wonder if going forward if Worreldane survive this if they will be Nasines opponent on Camelot side/

The chapter was exciting. I figured the arc would be Percival return. Though it seems Nakaba had other ideas as we see him set Nasienes on the road to becoming one of the series power houses. He may not be up there with 4kota but the idea that we King spirit lance manipulation combined with Nasienes potions and poisons make for a powerful combination. One you can argue has him up there with Percival and the others but not exact in the potential they have. Especially given they are getting there powers fast. I mean we just learned you can use the spirit lance and now you can fly. The flood gates are open and I can’t wait to see what they bring in. Cool.

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About JCR Comic Arts

I am a gamer into fighting games perferablly such as King Of Fighters and Street Fighters. Also DMC and Ninja Gaiden as well. In recent years I have become a fan of two shooters. Fear and Resistance."
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