Tag Archives: Neo Geo Battle Coliseum 2/neo geo battl ecoliseum 2/NGBC 2/ngbc 2

SNK Countdown For September 10th

SNK is up to something. It is counting down until September 10th. A new dawn rises is the tag line. For some reason I feel this might be to Samurai Showdown as it seems to be teasing a new game … Continue reading

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PSX 2017 Announcement Tonight

PSX 2017 (PlayStation Experience 2017) is tonight. Fans still trying to recover from the announcements of The Video Game Award 2017 have no time to breath as they imagine what will be announced tonight. Devil May Cry V is one … Continue reading

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PSX 2017 Hoping & Expecting

PSX 2017 (PlayStation Experience 2017)  is this weekend which means we get to see how Sony decides to end this year. This post will be talking what is expected and what is hope. We shall start first with Capcom. What … Continue reading

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PlayStation Experience 2017 Over a 100 Companies

PlayStation Experience 2017 (PSX 2017)  is the last big Sony expo before the year is out. With rumors about what will be announced and what will we get a look at the companies who will be at the event as … Continue reading

Posted in action, adventure, android, Arcade, comedy, comic, fighting game, mobile gaming, PC, ps3, PS4, smart phone, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

PSX 2017 Homerun Or More Usual

PSX 2017 (PlayStation Experience) 2017) can either be a homerun or a miss. Let me explain before you click away. For the most part these Sony press conferences has been giving gamers satisfaction if you are looking for more stuff on God … Continue reading

Posted in action, adventure, Arcade, comedy, fighting game, MMO, mobile gaming, platformer, ps3, PS4, rpg, Uncategorized, VR | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Neo Geo Battle Coliseum 2 Rumor America In Mind

Okay so we have another update on Neo Geo Battle Coliseum 2 rumor. For those have not been keeping up the next game SNK is supposedly working is NGBC2 and that it will be unveiled at PSX (PlayStation Experience) 2017. … Continue reading

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Paris Game Week This Week

Paris Game Week 2017 has begun.  Remember we have been promised 7 brand new games and updates to 21 games we have been dying to hear from. Sony says E3 was the beginning as they asked developers to hold back. … Continue reading

Posted in action, adventure, android, Arcade, comedy, fighting game, mobile gaming, mystery, PC, ps3, PS4, rpg, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Paris Game Week E3 Was Only Half The Story

Paris Game Week is next week and Sony has announced today that they have big plains for the event as they are saying that “E3 was only half the story.”  For those who don’t know what this means Sony came … Continue reading

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The King Of Fighters Goodman is Ingiz

Neo Geo Battle Coliseum 2 mentioned in K back story that Goodman who we found out survived was Ingitz.  That is if the rumor is true. For those who don’t know Ingiz was the boss of The King Of Fighters … Continue reading

Posted in action, adventure, Arcade, comedy, fighting game, PC, PS2, ps3, PS4, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Neo Geo Battle Coliseum 2 Rumor K Back Story

We have more details about Neo Geo Battle Coliseum . We get more detail about Assist as well as some back story to K and Kula and why they have a new look. We also hear about Goodman and that … Continue reading

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