My Adventures with Superman Season 2 Premier Reaction

My Adventures with Superman Season 2 premiered last night and I want to talk about it. This reaction will have spoilers for the 2 episodes. So if you don’t want to be spoiled then stop now and go check out the episode over at HBO Max. AGAIN SPOILERS AHEAD.

So Superman has kyptoinan ship calling him taking to the arctic. It fits. The new season starts with things sort of settling. Clark and Louis are a thing and Jimmy is a big deal. It is an interesting thing as the show tires to keep them together even with Jimmy having a hirer position. Again this is a new thing for Jimmy as he a well known character in the Superman lore but this is the first time he is meant to stay close like this. He has had others such as being turned into Doomsday but this is a bit different.

But that is small as we see get to go to the arctic. The show did this in a weird way as basically slept walked or slept flew his way in there. It is nice that we have Jor-El now speaking English. For the shows I have seen it is one of he first times they tried the alien language thing. An interesting choice for them to do but I am glad we can all understand what he says. Given how the show focuses on his presence it make sense to do away with it.

But there is a funny thing about this. This is all happening in universe on valentines day so both Lois and Clark are getting talked about it in different. Lois for forgetting and Clark for bring his girlfriend to a dangerous ship saying if I did it I would be trouble. It was the show comical point as we are once again dealing with task force x. It is a problem as he deals with damage as we see the kryptonite come into the picture.

The way the series has it works as some sort of virus is still a bit shocking to me. Most of the time the stuff has Superman falling down as it saps of strength unless used as a weapon. Keep in mind I am talking about the green version not the countless others that DC has come up with (There are a few and each one has there own effect.) But this messes with all things from Kyrpton. From Superman being attack like he is having a system shut down to Damage (I think it is him) arms just becoming crystalized. The show puts a big emphasis on the this having a huge effect on all things and it makes you wonder how far they will take it.

But this episode is serving one big thing. Besides Clark and Loise getting private time. We get the fortress of solitude and star labs. to explain star labs is one of the 2 sources in Supeman mythos he goes to for scientific aid. He bounced between the 2. We get on the episode where Clark finds out he isn’t alone. I do love the logic in the writing of the show. A great episode for giving us this

The next is odd as we have such a happy beat to how Waller starts her day. It is so upbeat and off given what this woman is up to as she is trying to interrogate her friend. But the episode shows us contrast in how task force x is and how was. With General Lane we saw it focus on taking down and protecting the world from Superman but at best avoids any civilian interaction it could. Not completely as we saw when people got there hands on the tech under General Lane they were fair game.

To Amanda Waller she is running this as black up as you can get. Those who touch or come to know the tech as well as anyone asking too many questions are fair game. When it comes Waller she is portrayed in media as no nonsense willing to do anything to get the mission done in the best way she can. Thus why most of the time task force x is made of b list super villains. If they die no one cares and Waller can manage them. So if she has to use them to complete a mission then so be it.

We are also introduced to Atomic Skull or Joseph Martin. Martin is interesting as form what I can see from the villains Superman has faces he is the only one who origin is in being exposed to tech originally and not just for the show continued theme of Kryptoniain tech and how superior it is and what it can do. At least this one as for what I can see there are 2 version with Martin being the latest.

But again this is mostly focused on Waller as show points to the difference between her style of doing things and Lois dad. This is going to the fact she knows he is hiding things from her such as tech. It is an interesting angle as most of the time Task for X is her thing in most DC media but even though it goes right for the story that it is hers Task for x isn’t the justice league or the justice society. Meaning they don’t come out on top to often. As such how the episode ends usually is how things go for them.

The episode were great to enjoy. It is nice to see what Jimmy firebird he worked so hard on got him only see him still be the Jimmy we know as he is no a bonified content creator. It is still odd to see him richer then Lex as Lex came from money in most stories as well as made a big company in Metropolis. As always it is cool to se returning staples such as star labs and the fortress of solitude. All be it Superman base on earth is a lot thinner than normal. Also side note I think the walls are made of lead. That usually is what protect Superman from Kryptonite but it also stop his x ray vision in some stories. Cool episodes.

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About JCR Comic Arts

I am a gamer into fighting games perferablly such as King Of Fighters and Street Fighters. Also DMC and Ninja Gaiden as well. In recent years I have become a fan of two shooters. Fear and Resistance."
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